Friday, August 27, 2010

Take 5

This is perhaps the scariest video I've ever seen. It's not one of those trick videos where you're watching a peaceful scene and out of nowhere a mummy pops up full screen. This one is real. Not the mummy, but the fright, the emotion, the realism. Produced in Canada, it's a video about distracted driving, specifically driving under the influence of something. Please, please, please... If you have ANY doubt whatsoever that you are completely capable of driving a multi-ton bullet, whether you are under the influence of anything, or too tired, or too stressed, or for any other reason, don't get in the car! If you witness someone that you are not completely confident that they are competent to drive - take their keys! Don't let you or your loved ones, or even a complete stranger, be the subject of the next video.

Take five minutes and watch this video. I know it'll be hard, but so will losing someone if you can prevent it. Use this as a wakeup call and reminder.


Anonymous said...

This one is pretty powerful also.

Anonymous said...

wow. scary!!!!