Friday, September 4, 2009


The other day at work, one of my co-workers said that I was a dead ringer for this guy, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs.

I guess he looks OK, though I think he has me by a few pounds :-)

I've never been told I look like anyone famous before. No, that's not true. My wife once said I look like this guy, actor Michael Douglas as the main character in the movie Falling Down.

...but I was not as well adjusted back then :-) Again, not a bad looking guy, so I should be flattered.

If you know who I am "in the real world," let me know who you think I look like...


Unknown said... has a celebrity section which takes a picture of you and does face recognition to find which celebrity you look like. Apparently I look like Kelsey Grammer, Patrick Swayze, and Kate Blanchette.

Anonymous said...

I just cast my vote and you do look like the press secretary, distinguished and wise!