Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Are you worthy?


When I started our RAK experience, it seemed like a good idea - something easy and fun to make a difference in the world. One thing that I didn't count on was my conflict about randomness. Random is random. There's not supposed to be much thought to randomness because that takes the randomness out of random. But my analytic mind won't shut down.

When we started this adventure I started with a stack of quarters, and a few gift cards to make it easier and more spontaneous. The first set of gift cards I gave away was pretty easy. I was in a generous mood and the opportunity presented itself (maybe stereo typically, but I didn't care). Since then, it's been harder. Nothing has clicked. I think part of it is my conflict over who "deserves" my random act of kindness. I feel really bad about this conflict, but I'm not sure how to break out of it.

As the boys and I were walking out of a store the other day a couple of rather "good feeling" fellas shouted a cheery "how you guys doin'" as they strolled into the store. At first I was a little annoyed - kinda looking down at them as n'er do wells. I finished loading up the groceries and got ready to head home. As I did so though, my conflicted head started to hurt. Why NOT do a RAK. I had prejudiced my randomness by my initial impressions. All the way home I thought about that missed opportunity. And since then. That was over a week ago.

Does a mom with three youngsters deserve kindness more than a group of rowdy teenagers? Or a business man? Certainly they each have their own reasons to be deserving - one maybe more needy. One may be more inclined to "pass it on." Another may be more likely to look at those older than them as a little more friendly. But random is random. I've got to find a way to be less analytic about this endeavor.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Carrots, Eggs or Coffee Beans

I hate when things like this make me think... sigh...

Carrots, Eggs or Coffee Beans Movie: All of us at one time or another have experienced a difficult situation, had setbacks, or dealt with our share of disappointment. Most things that happen to us on a daily basis we can't control and I can honestly say (with conviction) that it is not what happens to us that matters but rather, how we choose to respond.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Finally a date has been set for reveal :-)

Friday, January 6, 2012


So... I took a little ribbing this week for a couple of things. First - not posting here enough lately. Sorry. I really will try to do better. Second was for not posting about my new me.

I teased this back in November and I had really expected to be able to reveal my little adventure by now. I expected it to be a month-long process, or at least to be complete by the end of the year. Unfortunately, the best laid plans...

I've learned a few things during this process. Apparently it's really hard to get people to do their job. My adventure needed the assistance of two groups of people -- so far... The first group of people perform my needed function many times a day without an appointment (unfortunately), but when I tried to set an appointment, there was a really long delay. The second group of people, who also do this on e regular basis, appear to not know the process. They seemed to be surprised by certain things that I brought up.

Ok, so I didn't exactly learn that this time. I had already learned that, unfortunately.

Here's hoping that things finally pull together soon. There's a whole list of things waiting on this to complete.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Have YOU failed yet?

It's no secret that pure statistics shows that the more you try, the more chances you have to succeed. Never give up. If you fall, get up and try again. Don't let one failure define your life - let one failure be the beginning of a new and better one.