Saturday, December 31, 2011


It's been a while since I've really enjoyed Christmastime. It's become so commercial and so chaotic and so stressful that I just haven't been able to get in the mood. With annoying Christmas music starting November 1st and no measurable snowfall in quite a while, it's just not happening for me.

One thing that I'm trying this year to get a little of the Christmas Spirit back is to share more of what I have with people less fortunate. I like giving. My job situation has changed a bit recently and though I still have a long way to go to feel financially secure, I wanted to do something a little different this year.

I was inspired by Robyn Bomar's birthday outing post. As she turned 38, she decided to perform 38 Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) - one for each year of her life. With her kids along to help, she spent the day dispensing goodwill to unsuspecting, but very surprised and grateful persons. These were not the acts of handing out $100 bills to everyone they saw, but rather more meaningful, in the moment, acts... Whether it be helping shoppers load their groceries into their cars, handing bottled water out the car window to joggers, sprinkling coins around a playground for the little tikes to find, paying for the person in line behind them at a store/restaurant or handing handwritten thank you notes (and donuts :-) ) to local law enforcement.

The kids and I have made several $100+ grocery shopping trips to donate to food banks. We also spent several hours working at Gleaners Community Food Bank sorting food for donations. One day this week (while I'm off work between holidays), the kids and I are going to do our own RAK day. We've started making a list of things to do. Just the planning is making me feel good.

One of the things that my daughter latched onto was a story where one party paid for the car behind them in a drive through line. And then, the pay-it-for..., er um, backward plan kicked in, and the recipient of the first gift, paid for the car behind them, and they paid for the car behind them. I'm not sure how long it went on, but the cynic would say that they were all just passing the original money backward. I would rather see it as all of those people continued a good deed and likely felt inspired and good about their own good deed. She really wants to do this one.

We started a little preparation for this (or something similar at least) by buying a few McD gift cards while we were there the other day. I stuck them in my pocket. As we were walking between stores today I noticed a young mother loading groceries into her van. I also noticed that she had three young children all probably less than 5 in the van already. I pulled a couple of gift cards out of my pocket and walked up to her (trying not to scare her - people are not used to people walking up to them in the parking lot). I asked her if they ever ate at McDonald's (with three young children I thought the odds were pretty good). She said "occasionally." I handed her the cards and suggested that maybe she could take the kids for a treat sometime. She thanked me and I replied with "Merry Christmas" and walked away.

I can't even describe the feeling that I felt as I walked away. It was a small thing, really, but a big gesture. I hope that I gave her a little smile and notice that there are still nice people around. I can't wait to spread more cheer and kindness this week.

Ms Bomar received so much feedback and support for her "birthday project" that she has setup The B'Day Project to inform and inspire others. Remember that birthdays are not the only days to spread goodwill. :-)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Whenever I sit down to write a new post, I always seem to get distracted. First my mail then by Pinterest or Google's Reader Play, our Youtube.

Recently it's been the Pinterest (pin your interests) that's been occupying my attention. I'm not a really social person (in real life or online), but I love being a lurker in other people's lives. Pinterest allows people to pin/post things that they find on line that they like / find interesting / want to share or even just save for themselves for later. They can pin them to different boards, arranging them by topic for instance. It's been on a huge growth track recently so there are more an more people posting more and more cool findings!

There are people posting cool sayings and motivational quotes, recipes, humor, images, crafts, libraries, showers, tips, and just about anything else you can think of.

I don't think I've been able to scan through the site any one time without finding something that I want to share. I have a Gmail this bookmarklet that I use to send the sites to my wife (usually humor or really cool crafts), or daughter (quotes, recipes, etc), or others (a potpourri). I should switch to my Blog this bookmarklet instead so that I can share with everyone instead. Some people would suggest that I use a more global social sharing method, but I'm fine with my little circle of followers.

I'll try to do better about posting some of my finds here...

Sunday, December 18, 2011

New year's resolution

If you have one of these as a password, you should resolve to change it. These are the 25 most popular "according to SplashData who gathered the data from the millions of stolen passwords posted online by hackers in 2011."

1. password
2. 123456
4. qwerty
5. abc123
6. monkey
7. 1234567
8. letmein
9. trustno1
10. dragon
11. baseball
12. 111111
13. iloveyou
14. master
15. sunshine
16. ashley
17. bailey
18. passw0rd
19. shadow
20. 123123
21. 654321
22. superman
23. qazwsx
24. michael
25. football

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Time for a change?

a very powerful story about what a little change can do for so many people if given a chance.

Remember others this season, and always, as your out and about.

Monday, December 5, 2011
