Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Selling business

In a previous job, I participated in the sales process for a software product (and service). I was a technical representative and not the actual sales person, but I was witness to a number of "bargaining sessions." There are all kinds of people buying things from a variety of companies, but in general, we're all out to optimize the value that we get for our dollar. Some people do that by buying a less expensive version of a product (that sacrifices quality), or using coupons to lower the actual cost, thus increasing the value. Others try the ol' "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today" routine... and then forget on Tuesday...

While the situations expressed in this video are obviously fictitious, I have to say that I have witnessed some version of each of them over the years. I can say that I find them funny now, since I'm not in that position anymore, but had I seen this several years ago, I'm sure that I would've thought a little differently.

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