Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A world discovered...

Soooo.... Long time no type:-)

My wife FINALLY got her new vehicle this past week. Though we didn't really splurge on anything, there were a couple of things that we got that came along with what we "needed" that we would not have otherwise purchased. One of those was a navigation system. There are a few other things that she's still playing with as well, but the nav system is pretty cool. It's not like we've been anywhere yet that we need directions - I think I can find my way to the kid's schools and church, but we've had fun sending locations from Google Maps, setting other schools that the kids will run track meets at and a few local parks as we went for exercise and distraction.

One cool thing that I didn't expect however was that I'd discover all kinds of things around us that I would not have otherwise discovered. Driving down the road, well OK, riding ( I've only driven the vehicle about 15 feet so far -- into the garage last night), with the nav screen up, we were finding all sorts of places labeled that we'd not really noticed before -- parks, schools, etc. These were things just out of site while moving down the road, but perfectly within view on the nav screen.

We've lived here in this house for over 10 years and never knew about some of these discoveries. Sometimes it's all about perspective.

1 comment:

Lee-Ann said...

It will be 15 years in June. I think you can say that :)

And no, you've not driven my car yet. I think it took me 3 months before you gave me the key to your new one - so deal. <3

(oh and we *do* need directions to some of those schools for Track, so it's a good thing!)