Sunday, November 11, 2007

My son the Songmeister

OK, so maybe we watch and listen to a little too much Disney Channel. After getting my 4-year-old son a cup of juice this morning I apparently put things back in the fridge in the wrong order. He was quick to correct me saying that the orange juice should go in back and the apple sauce in front. I apologized for this lack of discipline and he said, "That's OK Dad. Everyone makes mistakes." Then almost in the same rhythm, realized that he had started something and continued in song with "Everybody has those days. Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody has those days."

He's often thrown Hannah Montana, Mylie Cyrus, High School Musical (1 and 2), Backyardigans, Go, Diego, Go and other lyrics back at the rest of the family -- in context. It's great to know that he's paying attention (see: Life Lessons...), has s good memory, likes to sing and in general is having fun with it. He often gets the rest of us laughing so he gets a positive response from it. We usually lose it completely when he adds dance moves :-)

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