Friday, March 14, 2008

God rays

I was always fascinated by the streams of light that seemed to burst through the cloud cover particularly after a storm. I'm not sure where I heard it, or if I made it up myself, but I started calling them "God rays." It seemed a little romantic, in an other-worldly kinda way.

Then along came the big book of Google and ruined it all. I was searching for something and came across the "real" name for these picturesque events... Crepuscular rays. Sounds a lot more ominous, almost medical, when compared to "God rays."

Well, fear not. There are still others, I've found, that think God rays is a more romantic, if not appropriate, term for the rays shining down from the heavens; the smiling twinkle of millions of hues of yellows and whites intertwined in their ephemeral journey toward this cold, dark rock we call Earth.
Yeah, I like the romantic better. :-}

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