Sunday, March 9, 2008

WAKE UP! You're Late!

This weekend, this morning actually, the United States began Daylight Savings Time. Implemented a little earlier than usual beginning this year, it was designed to save energy, but the Wall Street Journal reports that it may, in fact be backfiring... Those living in Indiana had, in the past, been split on whether to follow Daylight Savings Time. Some counties changed their clocks with the rest of the nation, others didn't. This provided a sample for researches to measure the impact of the change when this year the whole state began observing the time change.

You apparently don't have to live in Indiana to be confused about what time it is today. According to Google's Trends web site, a lot of people are trying to figure that out. Fully 1/3 of all entries at the site are about time change this morning. Some of those, I'm sure come from Arizona who is still a bit confused about the switch :-)

A great site I've found for all things time is WorldTimeServer.


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