Thursday, March 22, 2007

A Royal Affair

I've officially joined the ranks of royalty. Though I originally thought these ranks were only for the older, "more established in life", people, I was proven wrong tonight. I didn't travel to England to become Knighted, nor marry into existing royalty (I'm very happily married already, thank you), I did get fit for a crown tonight. Not quite large enough to wear on my head, this one will ease a pain in my mouth I've had for years as the result of a stress fracture. Though I haven't had the nerve to ask and confirm this, I don't think that this was the result of poor dental hygiene. Nonetheless, it is what it is - a trip to the dentist, a chunk of change from my wallet, and the sound of the drill.

Why does all this matter? Well, it gives me an opportunity to remind everyone to take good care of their teeth. Brush and floss regularly. See a dentist twice a year. Change your toothbrush often and don't over-indulge in sweets or soda. You'll be much better off as a simple peasant, than among the ranks of royalty.

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