Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tick Tock Wow

I went through a phase of collecting clocks. I had probably 75 or so at one point. Small clocks. Big clocks. Clocks with clocks. Clocks with balls. Digital clocks. Analog clocks. Hanging clocks. Sitting clocks. I had some clocks...

I've since moved on from clocks (perhaps I came to realize what a pain it was twice a year as the time shifted, or that batteries for those clocks were hard to find and expensive). I still enjoy looking at them when I come across them, but I don't collect them any more.

Nonetheless, this amazing clock really caught my eye...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

clocks and timepieces canindeed be fascinating... have you run across this giant ceiling mounted clock?
It uses flourescent ligths for each segment...
