Thursday, May 7, 2009

And the winner... his stuff yesterday! My son's winning Peep entry scored him -- and the rest of the family :-) -- a huge stash o' candy!

There was of course MORE PEEPS, but I guess I didn't know that the Just Born candy company had so many other brands that they own. Mike and Ikes, Hot Tamales, Peanut Chews, Zours...

He got several packets of every Mike and Ike flavor imaginable, Hot, and hotter Tamales, some Mike and Ike jelly beans, a small Peeps plush, key chain, and luggage tags (huh?). He was pretty happy about it all.

Now's the hard part. He's getting braces soon, so he won't be able to enjoy all of this gummy candy for long. Sooo... I guess we'll need to help him eat it fast, eh?

What's a little sugar rush for a winner? Thanks Peeps!

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