Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Kids say the darnedest things...

I've posted before about the need to keep track of cute things that your kids say. You never know when it'll come in handy... Say for a reminder of just how cute they are after they've written all over your walls with permanent marker, or as bribery when they get older, or so make a ton of money by publishing them in a book for all the world to laugh at. Don't worry, I've not really started it yet either...

But... I found another site that IS collecting and publishing those funny things. Heard on the Playground is a free, no-registration-required site that you can use to share those funny thoughts, observations and even pictures that come about by living in a world filled with wonderful children! You don't need to hear it on the playground to share. You don't need to share to read. You don't even have to laugh out loud when you read. You should, however, take a moment to visit the site and be reminded of the ingenious, intellectual, hilarious thoughts crammed into those little bodies we adore. Take a break and go get your daily chuckle!

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