Friday, September 21, 2007

Internet Traffic Report

Every day in my car, coming and going to work I hear traffic reports on the radio. It's what we need to stay away from traffic jams, or at least anticipate delays. Some times it is more voyeuristic, just knowing that there are other people stuck in the jams and not me.

There is a site that will give you traffic reports for the Internet -- after all, it's just the same as our interstates. Transportation vehicles (packets) travel down a path (Internet circuit) from one place (host) to another (destination), dealing with congestion (bandwidth), accidents (collisions, dropped packets), and deadlines (TTL), etc.

The Internet Traffic Report, compiles ping response times throughout the Internet and then scores the results from 0 to 100. A little aggregation and averaging later, and you're got an Index score for each continent. The higher the score, the faster the traffic. The lower the score, the more frustrated the users become. The site also gives you trends (speeding up, or slowing down), as well as which routers are behaving poorly (or well).

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