Sunday, March 15, 2009

Promises, Promises

The campaign trail was full of promises this past year. At least one promise was kept - Change! How many of President Obama's other promises have been kept?

The folks over at Politifact have been keeping track. They collected more than 500 promises made by then-Presidential hopeful Obama and have been tracking actions made to fulfill those promises.

As of this posting, he looks like he and his administration have a good start with a certainly greater percentage of truthfulness and action that most politicians I can think of.

There are a lot of people that said he'd not be able to keep a lot of his promises because of political roadblocks, legal challenges, etc. I'm sure it's not been an easy couple of months so far, but I don't see those challenges stopping progress so far.

Keep up with the rest of his promise chart at the Obameter site, provided by Politifact.

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