Wednesday, December 9, 2009

English Language

As a native speaker, I guess I am just used to all of the nuances of the English language.  When I took foreign language in school (German, Japanese), everything seemed to be based on rules.  For English everything seems to be based on exceptions.  I'm learning that all over again while helping my youngest learn to read. 

Definitions of words are also kinda wacky.  English started as a mixture of languages (if I recall correctly), but in general, words have "stems" that can help at least get you close tothe true meaning of the word.  Then mix in homonyms and it's incredible that two people can speak to each other in English at all.

The folks over at the Washington Post turned this chaos into a little humorous activity, asking readers to provide alternate, humorous, meanings for common words.  The Apropos of Nothing blog captured the winners of this neologism contest.

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