Monday, December 21, 2009

Snow hearts

My youngest son and I went out to shovel snow Saturday before all of our Christmas travelling around. We did our driveway, neighbor's driveways and sidewalks. He's really getting good at getting at it, and I'm glad for the help. It's still fun for him :-)

When I shovel snow, I shovel in front of me, so that I don't leave ghost prints (the snow that's packed down in the shape of footprints and doesn't shovel up easily with the rest). I try to get out to shovel before we drive the cars over the fresh snow as well for the same reason.

That day, we hit the snow about 7:15 or so, but not before some traffic had made the rounds apparently. The newspaper carrier (I think) had driven up the apron on my neighbor's driveway to turn around. Apparently making a three-point attempt, this is what was left behind after I shoveled the unpacked snow off the top... Simply amazing!

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