Saturday, December 12, 2009

Siiiiiiiinging in the... BATHROOM?!

When my nephew was really young he used to sing while he was going to the bathroom. When he wasn't within eye-shot, we'd just listen to see if he was singing. If so, we knew that he'd stepped away to go to the
bathroom. I think that my youngest did this for a while as well (now he whistles).

A trip to the restroom at work just now took me back to those days so long ago as I heard the soft humming of Christmas songs coming from behind a stall door. Funny what makes you remember things.

I often times will have some really weird thought pop into my head. It seems totally disconnected from anything that we're talking about at the time, and yet somehow related. If I take a couple of seconds I can
usually trace it back 4, 5, 6 or more steps to something that is relevant.

Odd how my mind works...

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