Friday, May 18, 2007

Nature's resiliancy

Ok, so I'm a little late. My New Year's resolution just started. Well a couple of weeks ago anyway. I resolved to walk around our neighborhood each night, regardless of the weather, or the time, for both physical and mental exercise. A big loop around the neighborhood would get me about 1.5 miles and 30 mins or so of exercise. I made it three nights...then nothing. I guess it doesn't matter when you start your resolutions... :-(

Our spring flowers had already began to bloom and everything was really starting to look full and colorful. Then, Michigan weather struck. The running joke (well one of them anyway) is that if you don't like the weather in Michigan, just wait a few minutes. (The other one is about the two seasons in Michigan -- winter and construction). We had a particularly late frost and all the tulips, daffodils, and other early bloomers were hit bad. They all began to droop their once proud heads to the ground like a little child that was just told that the ice cream man ran out of rocket pops. I was sure that we had seen the last of the beauty from those plants.

Some of the television news shows started warning people to just leave well enough alone. Don't touch the weeping plants. Let them be. They'll come back. I didn't really believe them, but hey - it gave me a reason to defer a little yard work!

Mother Nature has been at this gardening thing a little while longer than I have, so I guess she knows what she's doing. She's had time to work out the "ways" and the "hows."

The sun shone brightly the next few days and started to warm the little greens from the outside in. I have to admit that I was a little impressed and surprised at how resilient the plants actually were. Something so seemingly fragile. My hat's off to you Mother Nature. Bravo.

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