Thursday, June 26, 2008


There are a lot of animals that you only see in zoos -- usually ones that are not native to the area, or ones that are very rare or need special habitats or handling. Pigeons on the other hand are none of these, but I have never (and I bet few of you have) seen a baby pigeon. For some reason you just never see them. You see the parents ALL OVER THE PLACE, but the babies, and even young teens are hidden.

Well today, I saw one! On my route home, I circle under an overpass that tends to be filled with birds. Most of the time, they're pigeons, but I've seen hoards of black birds as well at times. Today, for some reason, I looked up at the girders as I was stopped at a light and spied a momma pigeon feeding a baby pigeon. It still had a lot of it's downy feathers too. What a site!

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