Saturday, July 5, 2008

Microwave Life

Gone are the days when we took leisurely walks just to walk. Gone are the days when we waited for a letter to arrive in the mail. Gone are the days when we spent hours preparing the evening meal. Gone even are the days when we waited for a dial-up an Internet connection while listening to the squelch of two computers handshaking.

Now we "fast-walk" for exercise. We send email and call the printed mail "snail mail." We twiddle our thumbs if dinner takes more than 5 minutes in the microwave, and we start to have panic attacks if our "always on" Internet connection takes more than 1/2 a second to load the web page we're trying to get to.

I'm not sure where I heard the term "microwave life," but it certainly fits. We've got so much going on, with family, work, hobbies, etc., every additional second we can gain with technology should be a step toward getting more things done. Unfortunately, just like when having a garage sale, whenever you get rid of something, two things fill its place. You find 1 minute more in your day and suddenly, something comes up that takes 2 minutes (or more) to get done. It's a never ending battle.

The only thing we can do is to either inject more time-saving technology or processes into our lives, or to stop doing somethings. Injecting technology costs money. Changing process takes time I don't have to redesign the process. Stopping doing things I wanna do... Hmmm.. Maybe the kids can help with the kitty litter and dishes after all :-)

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