Wednesday, July 30, 2008

When a simple "Wash me" isn't enough

We used to have a little ceramic "plaque" hanging in our house that said something like "You can touch the dust, but please don't write in it." It was recognition that our house isn't always the cleanest, but it had that "you don't have to rub it in" humor attached to it. That wall hanging has come down for now as my wife is in painting mode, but if it was still hanging you wouldn't be able to see it anyway because of the dust from the paint prep work... :-) It'll all get vacuumed up and look great in the end.

Steve Wade, on the other hand, seems to like a little dust. No, make that a LOT of dust. This guy doesn't just tell you to get a car wash, he creates works of art in the dust! Useloos has an incredible gallery of his dust artistry. You can his full gallery at his Dirty Car Art web site.

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