Tuesday, January 1, 2008


For many years now I've stayed up until midnight on New Year's Eve and taken pictures of each of my kids and wife (each usually sleeping snugly in their beds) right at midnight. This year, for some strange reason, the kids (the older two at least) made it all the way to midnight with me. Not sure how, but I really hope that they sleep in tomorrow... They've tried in the past, but only made it until 10 o'clock or so. My youngest made it until 10:30 tonight (without a nap) and my wife until almost 11 before she gave into the Sandman and headed up to bed.

The kids and I kept each other awake by watching reruns of America's Funniest Videos and Myth Busters and playing a no-scoring version of their new Christmas game - Uno Attack.

I joked with my wife as she headed up to bed that it won't be too long before the kids will be sneaking in to catch both her and I in bed at midnight. I'm not sure how many more years I can make it.

Happy New Year! Hope it's a great one (and that some really good things happen in the world to help at least balance the devastation inflicted this past year).

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