Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Say that again...?

In my searching for stuff to post here for your perusing enjoyment, I stumbled upon the Useloos site a little bit ago. Problem is, there's a lot of stuff on the site that I can't understand. Some things are pretty obvious and can draw my attention with a little bit of English or a picture, but the site itself is in Dutch. I know I'm missing some really cool stuff because I don't know what they're talking about. NO MORE!

I hadn't bothered with it before tonight, but... GOOGLE to the rescue! Google will translate entire web pages for you (once you figure out what language the site it in). Take a look at Useloos in English. Granted it's machine translation, but still a lot better than I could do even with a dictionary :-) (You can improve Google's translation of a page if you're fluent in the language as well -- just hover over the text with your mouse.)

Have another site that you need translated? Head on over to Google's Language Tools. In fact, I get a lot of visitors from all over the world, so, if English isn't your first language, try the translate button in the lower right corner of this page.

Happy translating!

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