Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Someone to watch over me...

About a month ago I started taking a different route to and from work. A co-worker of mine turned me on to it talking about it as a much faster route. Though it was a couple of miles out of the way, it was about 10 mins quicker! The faster, more continuous speed was also better on my fuel economy.

On the way home, I pass under a pedestrian overpass. I think that there's a school or something on one side of the street. several weeks ago, I started noticing that there was s guy standing in the middle of the overpass watching cars pass underneath on my way home. At first I thought he was just taking a break on his way across the bridge. Then I started to wonder if there was something else going on. He was there every day for two weeks on my way home -- even when I left 1-1/2 hour earlier, or 1/2 hour later than normal. What was this guy up to? There was full fencing on both sides of the overpass so he couldn't be waiting to drop something on the cars below. Is he homeless? Or bored? He doesn't look like he's doing a traffic survey for MDOT or even waiting for someone to meet him from the school.

Then, on the way home last Friday, he wasn't there. I actually started to worry about him. Why wasn't he there? Had something happened to him? Was he alright? Had he finally been told to "Move along?" Why was I worrying about this total stranger?

He wasn't there on Monday either... Then he reappeared tonight. Like nothing had ever happened. In the same place on the bridge. Did he know that people were worried about him? Geez! How about a phone call once in a while or a letter to say you're still alive or something?! :-(

I gotta start paying more attention to the radio (or the road) on my way home or something...

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