Saturday, August 23, 2008

Uncle URLs

A coworker of mine (the one who buys up cool domain names as a hobby) noticed the other day that the top-level-domain (TLD) ".me" was available now. [The TLD .me is the country indicator for sites registered in Montenegro, in the same way that .ca is for Canadian sites] Actually, I think it's been available for a while, but he had just received an email from a registrar advertising it. That got him thinking (he really never stops), "there have to be a lot of cool words that could be made into domains -- words ending in 'me'."

We consulted OneLook that allows wild card dictionary searches and came up with quite a few. I don't want to give away any potential targets of his, but some of the ones that hit me were:

It also got me thinking about other TLDs that have been used like this... The first one that came to mind was the social bookmarking site Another is the Interes.tingness site mentioned a few days ago. I'm sure I've seen many, many others, but for some reason none of them are coming to mind. Can you think of others like these? Leave a comment...

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