Monday, October 15, 2007

Another Conspiracy?

At one time it was all the rage to link events to September 11th -- either something foretold it's occurrence, or it was a conspiracy to create, mask, or benefit from the event. As time passes, the conspiracy theorists are still active, but most of the really wild speculation (relatively speaking) has died down.

I can't confirm which side of the groupings this falls on, but I have to say it's at least a first. The company I work for is accused of laundering money related to 9/11. True, the company has had a few legal issues in the past. True, a lot of the statements made in the article are valid. True, I can't confirm all of his statements.

It's interesting reading (I learned a few things that I later verified on our company site), but I think it's a little like statistics -- you can bend the truth in any way you need to in order to support the position you're trying to put forth. If you can get someone to the the edge, sometimes they'll jump all by themselves. The point of conspiracy theorists is to raise just enough doubt to make you question your own theory of reality -- whether it's 9/11, JFK, the War in the Middle East, the moon walk or anything else.

It's not wrong to propose an alternate view from the norm -- that's how we all grow and learn. It's not wrong to theorize -- just make sure you support your theories with verifiable facts. It's not wrong to be a contrarian -- just be willing to face the criticism.

It's our job to evaluate the facts and to look before we leap.

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