Sunday, October 28, 2007


I don't want to offend anyone. I take a shower everyday. I practice good hygiene. But this morning I realized that I may be offending people in a different way...

I counted the number of scents that I apply to my body every day.

1) bath gel -- I usually just use scented soap for my whole body, but I happened to find a scent while on vacation this summer and my wife got me some bath gel and hand soap last week. Bath and Body Works.

2) face soap -- Well, not really face soap, but scented body soap I use on my face. Usually Irish Spring or the equivalent.

3) shampoo -- Nothing really fragrant here, but they all have some in there. Costco brand currently. My hair doesn't seem to care.

4) deodorant -- Gotta use it. Nothing overpowering, but it's there. Arrid XX Dry.

5) cologne -- A staple, but not too much. Mary Kay Domain from when my wife used to sell it.

6) shaving cream -- not every day, but several times a week. I tried an electric razor several years ago, but felt that the manual blade (Gillette Fusion currently)worked better.

7) laundry detergent -- Tide. Nothing added.

8) fabric softener -- Tide Simple Pleasures Vanilla and Lavender for sheets and towels and Downy Clean Breeze for clothes.

9) body oils -- We all have them. It's more an issue of how they change the smell of the other scents as opposed to their scents themselves.

10) animals -- We happen to have cats.

11) hand soap at work -- Industrial blend. Not too smelly, but it's there.

12) environment -- Scents in the air around.

13) foods -- the smell on my clothes and my mouth (or the Listerine strips or gum I use to eradicate that smell.)

Other than the occasional whiff of the bath gel, I don't smell any of this stuff after I put it on.

I've had a few people comment that they like my cologne and (this is funny to me) someone comment that they liked my fabric softener. No one has commented that I smell too strongly, good or bad, so maybe it's nothing, but I was surprised when I actually counted this morning.

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