Thursday, October 18, 2007

Paper Crafts

Every once in a while I get the itch to do something crafty. This past week, I turned to the PaperToys website for some relief. It is my youngest son's birthday next week and we had a Cars party for him. We had the obligatory characters, but I thought I'd play with a few more generic models as well.

At PaperToys, they have all sorts of models you can build out of paper. All provided free of course. Everything from a model of the Empire State Building to a model of the Sphynx to a Stealth Aircraft. They also had some pretty cool cars that I thought I'd try my hands at.

Some of their models are pretty easy (they have a Santa I thought was pretty cool and easy a few years ago), but for some reason, the ones I chose to occupy my time with this time seemed a little harder than I remember. Maybe it's just my aging fingers. A lot of cutting and a little glue later, I had 5 cars that my kids played with for the afternoon before they got crushed -- I suggest printing the templates on card stock so that they last a little longer :-)

Take a look! They've got quite a collection. They do custom work as well if your company's interested in something really unique!

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