Sunday, April 15, 2007

Fred? Is that you?

Several years ago I had the opportunity to listen to a speech by Mark Sanborn entitled The Fred Factor. I gotta tell ya -- it was riveting. The story seemed oddly out of place -- those guys don't exist anymore, do they -- but riveting, nonetheless. It harks back to the old "chivalry is dead" era -- no one really still holds doors open for women (or anyone for that matter) anymore do they? (Guilty, by the way). Freds do exist and they are celebrated locally in every organization in some way. We need to a better job of publicizing Fred outside though. He may still be a rare breed, but if people forget about him, he'll be extinct...

The FISH Philosophy is another similar story that's making its rounds worth looking at.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

James !!
I love your blogs ( I personally do not have the energy to blog, I can barely slog) ha ha

Just a word of caution, blogs and other internet commentary etc, can be searched and used by employers as examples of a potential or current employee's behavior, mindset etc.

Personally, I find that very creepy and being a "sixties child" I say "bloohy" to the "man" (somehow EVERYONE is over 30, now, even my kids)

Anyway, I look forward to reading your thoughts and if you find Fred, send him my way. I could always use a good man.
