Monday, April 16, 2007

Pandora's box

As I sit here typing this blog I'm listening to music I've never hear before -- and actually liking it! All of this is delivered right to my dual auditory channels free-of-charge, on-demand by Pandora. In this case, however, it's not the evils of the world that are unleashed, but instead a plethora or songs that you may or may not have heard, but will probably like to listen to based on as few as one artist or song that you already enjoy.

You can help it improve it's accuracy by telling it if it happens to pick a song not to your liking, but I've found it pretty accurate. All of this is based on a music genome project -- the same kid of mapping being applied to the human (and other) DNA used to determine what's similar about different music. Essentially, it all gets boiled down to a few hundred characteristics of music that are then used to find similar songs for your enjoyment. It's really interesting to have Pandora tell you why she chose to play a particular song. Never knew I was that predictable.

You can set up different "stations" to listen to as well. When you need some good workout music (come one, you're not just sitting in front of the computer wasting away right now are you?) you pick one channel of upbeat bass-thumping get-your-heart-pumping tunes. Maybe you like to relax with a little jazz as you empty your mailbox of all the SPAM (or maybe you just like to listen to Jazz.) And for those night when you and your significant other are embattled in a tournament of World of Warcraft, maybe a little medley of love songs...

When you find one that really strikes your fancy, you can link right over to Amazon or iTunes to add it to your permanent collection. Pretty cool...

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